
params of transferParams -> (list(op), storage upd)

Implementation of FA2 interface method, more info about FA2 transfer you can read in the link below.


type tokenId is nat

type transferDestination is [@layout:comb] record [
  to_                   : address;
  token_id              : tokenId;
  amount                : nat;

type transferParam is [@layout:comb] record [
  from_                 : address;
  txs                   : list(transferDestination);

type transferParams is list(transferParam)


const tokenId = 0; // or new BigNumber(0) or "0"
const alice = "tz1..."
const bob = "tz2..."
const yupana = await;
const operation = await yupana.methods.transfer([
          from_: alice,
          txs: [
            { to_: bob, token_id: tokenId, amount: 0 },
            { to_: alice, token_id: tokenId, amount: 6_000 },
await operation.confirmation();


  • FA2_NOT_OPERATOR - sender is not operator of from_ account.

  • yToken/token-taken-as-collateral - when user entered market (enterMarket) for this token.

  • FA2_TOKEN_UNDEFINED - token identifier is not assigned to any known tokens.

  • FA2_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE - when transfer amount greater than account from_ balance (also underflow/srcBalance make the same check but underflow is unreachable)

Last updated